Language Policy

BAAL special interest group

Welcome to the Language Policy special interest group of the British Association for Applied Linguistics. The Language Policy (LP) SIG provides a forum to discuss, critically engage with, and research language policy and planning matters around the world. Please join our mailing list to be come a member. Click the 'Join!' link above. 

Dr Elisabeth Barakos and Dr Florence Bonacina-Pugh (Co-founders and co-convenors)


We are pleased to inform you that Hao Zhang (Edinburgh) has joined us as our new Treasurer.

The BAAL Language Policy Special Interest Group is currently seeking nominations for the post of Treasurer on the Executive Committee for a 3 year period (with the possibility of renewing) from the 1st of July 2024. 

The role of Treasurer involves overseeing the financial affairs of the BAAL Language Policy SIG, including budget management and financial reporting. Applicants should demonstrate a commitment to maintaining the financial health of the SIG in alignment with its collective goals and values. The role offers the unique opportunity to contribute to the functioning and success of the SIG and allows individuals to play a key part in decision-marking processes, as part of a collaborative team. The role of treasurer will also afford valuable leadership skills transferable to academic and professional contexts and opportunities for networking.

This is a voluntary post. Please note that all nominees must be members of BAAL in order to be eligible for election to a committee post. Applications are open to academics at any career stage, including PhD students. For more information about the role, feel free to contact our current treasurer Dr. Iker Erdocia ( or our co-convenors Dr. Elisabeth Barakos ( and Dr. Florence Bonacina-Pugh (

You can use this form to nominate yourself, or another party, for the post. Please enter the information requested below and submit your nomination by 15th of May 2024. The executive committee will then do a first screening of all nominations to check eligibility. An election will then be held of all eligible nominees, and the new postholder will be voted for in a blind poll, with the postholder informed of the outcome by e-mail.



Date: 2 May 2024

We are pleased to inform you that Aziz Moummou (University of Hassan II Casablanca) has joined us as our new Events Organiser. We would also like to thank our outgoing Events Organiser Stephen McNulty for his work at the Language Policy SIG.